Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Saturday lunch @ Straits Kitchen

Lots of local delights, but definitely not worth our $42 ++ per person. ☹☹

But well, our main purpose is to catch up! Haven't seen Sharon for months!
Glad to know that she's making plans for her big day.. Hur hur!!

Envious of her good complexion..


If tsunami and earthquake reaches singapore, what will you get hold of before you run?

P L: My passport!

Me: My piglet and watch!

Sis: Blackberry!

Monday, March 7, 2011

Us ☺☺

Life is so vulnerable and unpredictable.
Love like you haven't loved.
Live like you haven't lived.
Cherish each day. Enjoy!
And work hard!

Off we go!


This is March, my make or break period.